Category: Tutorials

See the Future of the Trade: The Scenario Engine
We are delighted to announce we are launching a unique scenario engine on our platform. The engine will allow you to see the profit…
Legging into your trade positions
INTRODUCTION Let us consider a put vertical spread structure. It is formed by simultaneously selling a put and buying a put below the strike…
Scaling into your trades
WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO SCALE INTO YOUR POSITIONS? Imagine you are bullish on a stock and assume you have set aside $2000 capital…
Changing option structure in predefined scans
One of the prominent features in SamurAI are the predefined screens. The screens (over 20 of them) allow you find trade ideas in one…
The edge of Mean Reversion Trades
Mean Reversion Trades To be a profitable trader, you need to trade with an edge. What is a trading edge? In short, it is…
How to trade when a stock is over extended
As traders we are constantly on the look to understand the market’s tendency and how to act on it. One way is by examining…
Picking the perfect covered call strike
Covered call is one of the most popular options strategies. Last week we mentioned that option-sellers have an edge when trading, and we talked…
When to exercise call options early
We often use strategies that involve call options around dividend ex-date. Often times we sell calls and they might get exercised (for example our dividend…
How To Choose A Covered Call Using A Predefined Scanner ($MOS Example)
In this article, we’re going to see how to choose an option for generating income. The strategy we’ll use is covered calls, which means…