Category: Earnings

long straddle stock MU
Little-Known Tips to Design a Pre-Earnings Option Strategy
When it comes to selecting the best pre-earnings option strategy, it’s all about aligning with your trading style. This article will go through several…
tables strategies earnings season
Navigating Earnings Season: An Overview of Earnings Option Strategy
Every time the earnings season rolls around, an effective earnings option strategy becomes crucial. This article will guide you on the best option strategy…
earnings speculation cycle options
Do Options Lose Value After Earnings?
Do options lose value after earnings? This article will break down how and why options might lose value post-earnings in the simplest terms possible….
iron condor stock price LEN
Using the Iron Condor Earnings Strategy for Profitable Options Trading
Among the many ways to profit from options trading, the iron condor earnings strategy is a standout. This approach lets you capitalize on earnings…
Causes for stock price crash
A sudden crash in stock prices is very painful for investors and traders, and since we trade with options – Unexpected crush could be amplified…
Trade post mortem – $BIDU, $FL, $PM
During last week I mentioned trades on my Twitter and Stocktwits accounts.  I’m summarizing them here to help keep a record. This is a…
Trading Earning announcement with options
Earning announcements are probably the most important corporate action for a public company. Due to the uncertainty of the announcement, the expected (and realized)…