Option Samurai Webinar replay

Option Samurai Webinar replay

During June, together with our eSignal partners, we held a webinar on edges that individual traders have when trading options. We got a lot of positive feedback on this webinar. We believe that the material covered can help improve your skills as a trader.

In case you’ve missed it, here are the materials from that webinar:

  1. Here is the webinar recording on Youtube.
  2. This is the presentation.
  3. And here are two links with the examples I referenced during the presentation:
    1. Lowering cost basis example with dividend and covered calls
    2. Trading earning announcements example
eSignal - Option Samurai app
eSignal – Option Samurai app

We wish to remind you that you can test Option Samurai for eSginal for free for 30 days.
We also wish to invite you to test Option Samurai web app that includes advanced features like:

  1. Pre-defined scans for dividend capture,  Volatile stocks, safe trades and much more.
  2. A better way to measure and use Implied volatility (read more here).
  3. Market widget to help you stay on top of the market trend and volatility
  4. Scan Companies fundamental data and unique calculations such as: stock score, dividend yield, payout ratio, stock trend, insiders, buybacks, and much more. (read more here).
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