We are happy to announce that we just launched the July version with many features you’ve been asking for. In this version, we’ve added a new strategy, a new trade button, added Index data, and more.
This version includes:
- Add a new Trade button that allows you to enter a trade manually, analyze it and track it.
- Indexes data
- New Strategy for the scanner: Collar.
- bug fixes and general improvements
Add new trade (beta)
Last month we added the ability to analyze a specific trade via the trade order form. Now you can manually add a trade to the order form and not go VIA the scanner. Some of the use-cases:
- Add a trade manually to the trade log.
- Analyze your trade using statistics, the PL chart, and a stock chart, all connected and updated using market prices or your inputs.
- Make changes to your trade to see ‘what-if’ to pick the best legs.
You can access the trade form from the Trade Log section. Just click on the top bar, and click the ‘add new trade’ button.
Indexes data
We have added index and index options data for some indexes, among them: SPX (S&P 500), NDX (Nasdaq 100), VIX (Volatility Index), XSP (mini S&P 500), OEX (S&P 100), and more. Some of the indexes are cash-settled and European options so that they can give you some diversification in your trades. The indexes are available across all our platform and features.

We also improved the ‘Stock, ETF or Index’ filter to allow you to fine-tune the assets we scan.
Collar strategy
We have added another strategy to our list of strategies you can scan(the 24th strategy). This strategy buys 100 shares, sells an OTM call, and uses the proceeds to buy a protective put. The profit and loss profile is similar to a bull spread strategy. But since we also hold stock, we can (1) get dividends, and (2) we can continue the trade if we want after the options expire.
Bug fixes and improvements
We continued to improve the platform and fix bugs.
We continue to improve the trade log and plan to integrate our platform and brokers. Feel free to contact us with suggestions and feedback.
The version is live. Go to Option Samurai to use it now.