We are very happy to announce the launch of our new version for February 2021. In this version, we’ve added a new strategy, improved our stock analysis model, added predefined scans, improved speed and sorting, and much more.
Main improvements include:
- Stock analysis improvement
- Iron Butterfly strategy (Beta)
- Improved sorting
- New Predefined scans
- New filter: Weekly options
- Speed improvement and bug fixes
Stock Analysis improvement
We have improved the stock chart model in the analyze tab (when you click on a table row). The chart model is now faster, and you can see the option breakeven points and scenarios on the chart. This is a HUGE improvement when you want to analyze your results quickly by going over them one-by-one without breaking your flow. This feature saves me a lot of time researching my trades, and I suggest you give it a try.

The analysis tab also works on mobile and allows you some of the most advanced analysis capabilities on mobile available.
Iron Butterfly strategy
This is one of the most requested strategies: It comprises of a credit put spread and a credit call spread where the sold strike is equal. This strategy has a high-profit ratio, where the main benefit is the minimal loss you incur if you are wrong.
This scan is really advanced, and we check all available combinations and pick the optimal one. You can force the butterfly to be balanced or broken wing to fit your profit/loss outlook. This feature is still in Beta, but we plan to create advanced predefined screens soon to help you get started (tip: look at creating a cheap hedge using this scanner).
Improved Sorting
We support multi-column sorting. If you hover over the table’s header, you’ll be able to control the order of the columns’ results. We changed the dropdown menu to make it easier to manage the sorting, and we are now sorting using a cache, so results return in seconds. Read more here.
New predefined scans
We’ve added new scans for the Iron Condor strategies and the calendar and diagonal spreads. The new scans will help you get started and will give you new ideas to trade and how to scan the market. Some of the scans added are:
- Calendar spreads with high IV difference.
- Bullish diagonals spreads that have a high-profit ratio and can replace call spreads.
- Bearish diagonals spreads that have a high-profit ratio and can replace put spreads.
- Iron condors that are riskless on the upside or downside and can help you find advanced trades that better suit your outlook
- and many more.
New filter: Weekly options
This is a new binary filter that can help filter tickers according to liquidity. If it is set on ‘yes,’ it shows stocks with weekly and monthly expiration-cycles. If it is set on ‘no,’ it will only show less liquid stocks with only monthly expiration-cycles.
Speed improvements and bug fixes
We changed our servers setup to support higher loads and better servers unitization to increase the site speeds and scans. We also fixed various bugs and made small improvements.
We appreciate your feedback, so keep them coming. The version is now live, so go to Option Samurai and try them out now!